In the late 1800’s the bustling town of Coffin was a hub of mining, milling and agriculture. Nestled back off the beaten path, in the bluffs and extensive valleys of the Canadian Shield, Coffin’s name has been put to rest but it’s memory will forever live on. 

Now known as Leeburn – Northern Ontario’s smallest town – this hamlet may be a little quieter these days but what it lacks in size and population, it makes up for with its boundless landscape and in the kind hearts of the people within the community.  

Coffin Valley Supply Co. makes its home in the 100 year old school house in the dead center of downtown and is dedicated to bringing quality goods back into the valley.

Coffin Valley is an ode to the days of unparalleled craftsmanship and detail, ensuring to bring a story of dedication and commitment to quality, making every visit an unforgettable experience.  

Thank you from the team at Coffin Valley Supply Co.